Wednesday, September 23, 2009

8 Months Old!

8 Months Old!

Well, we're actually nearing the end of 8 months.  Micah is a happy and mostly laid back baby. His smiles and laughter light up our days. 

The picture above is Micah in his chair at 8 months. It was my intention to take a picture each month, but due to our recent move, I, unfortunately, missed several months. As I was trying to take his picture, he realized that, "...hey, this thing moves!" So, he started rocking back and forth once he figured out that he could make the chair move on his own. Then, he wanted to look over the side of the arm of the chair...then up at the fan... Needless-to-say, after about 10 pictures, I finally got a good one of him looking at the camera.

I have chosen to prepare all of Micah's food. Each week, Micah  is introduced to a new fruit, vegetable, spice, and/or recipe.  It's actually really easy---all you need is a blender! Most recently, Micah has tasted whole grain mac and cheese, chicken, and turkey dishes. He is quite the picky eater, although, this isn't too hard to believe when you consider who his parents are!

I included a picture of Micah in his Exersaucer.  Most days, he plays in the Exersaucer while I am getting ready for work. This particular morning, I noticed that Micah was unusually quiet, so I peeked around the corner and found that he had dozed off in mid-play!

We took a trip to Mobile in mid-August to see Grandma & Grandpa.  The Exersaucer traveled with us---speaking of traveling with Micah and ALL of his little car leaves little room for anything other than Micah's belongings! While we were down there, Grandma gave Micah an impromptu piano lesson.

The other two photos are just random pictures from my cell phone. The first one is of Micah & me taking a nap, and the second photo is one of Micah's "Good Morning!" smiles!

Knocked out on the Exersaucer!

Piano lesson with Grandma


"Good Morning!"

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

July 2009

7 Months Old!

Happy 4th of July!

Micah had his 6 month appointment and weighed in at 16 pounds! 

He took his 2nd airline trip in July to visit his Aunt & Uncle in Houston, Texas!  Micah was definitely more "talkative" during this flight, to the point where I think it was annoying the gentleman next to us, but...what can you do?! 

Big news!!! Micah took his first dip in the pool! His Aunt & Uncle bought him the cutest infant float suit ever! I wasn't quite sure how he would react to the water, but he LOVED it! In fact, he was so relaxed that he started to doze off.  Of course, he dressed the part in Old Navy swimwear, along with Daddy's hat. He also had some matching flip flops that Uncle K bought probably this time LAST year! 

Unfortunately, at the end of the month, the "daycare sniffles & cough" turned into something much worse! One Saturday afternoon while we were out and about, Micah spiked a fever of 103 out of nowhere! The on-call nurse instructed us to give him Tylenol and call back in the morning if it didn't get better. The following day, we took Micah to the Children's After Hours Clinic, and the doctor said that, "Despite the 102 degree temperature, it's just a cold, Mom." Luckily, Micah's Aunt in Houston is a pediatrician and she suggested that we make an appointment to see his regular pediatrician the next morning.  So, on Monday morning, after several tests and a chest x-ray, lo and behold...Micah had PNEUMONIA! Needless-to-say, Micah was out of daycare for most of that week.  Getting Micah to take the antibiotic was a battle every time! I must admit, it smelled horrible! Can you blame him?! Luckily, he was back to himself within a couple of days!

In other news, Micah was learning how to sit up, but couldn't quite do it by himself yet...

...and, he was still awaking around 2am each morning--eager for a late night snack...the snack bar is about to close!!!

Taking a dip in the pool!

Sitting up! ...well, sort of...

June 2009

6 Months Old!

June was a big month for Micah! He tried rice cereal for the first time! The best way to describe his expression after his first taste of rice cereal was...shock. (See the picture above!)

Grandma Anne & Grandpa Steve visited in June shortly after we moved into our new home. Grandpa assembled Micah's Exersaucer which has become one of his favorite toys! He still plays in it most mornings while I'm getting ready for work.

Each evening after daycare, we make sure Micah gets some tummy time...apparently, he's been wearing himself out at daycare because he keeps falling asleep on his tummy!

Drum roll, please...he FINALLY slept through the night!!! ...well, only for 2 nights, that is...

And, forget about an alarm clock these days, Micah is sure to wake us up with high pitched shrills, coos, and giggles!

Swing Time!

Playing his first piano masterpiece!

Our little alarm clock

Wiped Out!!!

Micah's favorite activity...the EXERSAUCER!

May 2009

5 Months Old!

As you may recall, we were in the middle of a move in May, so I have a lot of catching up to do!

In a nutshell, Micah was just beginning his second month of daycare and getting the hang of his daily routine.  

He hadn't mastered rolling over quite yet, because he kept getting stuck on his left arm!   

He enjoyed sitting up for the first time in a Bumbo that he received from a friend. (...And, it's purple...not pink!

Lastly, he was STILL waking up at 2am each morning with a ravenous appetite!

(I know that this is VERY brief, but I promise that there is much more to come!)

On the play mat at daycare

Having fun in the Bumbo