Sunday, April 4, 2010

14 Months Old!

Remember the vicious daycare germs? Well, they struck again! Micah had his second ear infection in February! (Personally, I think that the first ear infection just lingered on for several weeks.)  And, if that weren't enough, while we were visiting family in Houston, Micah caught a stomach bug and shared it with the family! Ugh, that was a rough weekend!

When we visited his pediatrician to follow up on the ear infection, Micah had lost a few pounds and, subsequently, dropped slightly below his growth curve.  The majority of the weight loss was, more than likely, due to the recurrent illnesses, however, some of it was probably due to the fact that Micah has turned into a very picky eater.  (More on this later...)  Luckily, after adding Pediasure and an extra meal during the day, he quickly returned to his normal growth curve.

By the end of February, Micah had mastered cruising along the furniture, the walls, and with his Fisher Price Lion Walker. He also learned how to say the words "please", "more", "eat", and "milk" in sign language.

Friday, April 2, 2010

13 Months Old!

I know that I am incredibly behind! Who knew 2010 would be so busy?!

Well, the new year brought a relentless cold into our household! Micah also had his first ear infection in the middle of January, and, it hit him like a ton of bricks! It was awful! His fever peaked at 103 and his doctor's office said that Micah had to have a fever for 3 days until they would see him. He slept for 20+ hours during the day, and refused to eat. After 48 hours, we broke down and took him to the after hours clinic.  The pediatrician told me, "Mom, it's just a cold."  I was convinced that it was more than just a cold---is this a sixth sense of being a mother? Finally, Monday came and we were first in line to see the doctor. Guess what his doctor said? Yep, it's more than a cold, it's a double ear infection! Thankfully, the fever finally broke shortly after Micah began the antibiotic. Unfortunately, it seemed as if he was stuck in the vicious cycle of daycare germs for the entire month. I'm sure those of you who have children in daycare can sympathize with me.

The pictures below are his 13 month pictures in his you can see, he LOVES the camera! He especially loves this new pose when he sticks his neck out, squints his eyes, and shows all four of his teeth!

"See my teeth?"

Micah and Scout