6 Months Old!
June was a big month for Micah! He tried rice cereal for the first time! The best way to describe his expression after his first taste of rice cereal was...shock. (See the picture above!)
Grandma Anne & Grandpa Steve visited in June shortly after we moved into our new home. Grandpa assembled Micah's Exersaucer which has become one of his favorite toys! He still plays in it most mornings while I'm getting ready for work.
Each evening after daycare, we make sure Micah gets some tummy time...apparently, he's been wearing himself out at daycare because he keeps falling asleep on his tummy!
Drum roll, please...he FINALLY slept through the night!!! ...well, only for 2 nights, that is...
And, forget about an alarm clock these days, Micah is sure to wake us up with high pitched shrills, coos, and giggles!
Playing his first piano masterpiece!
Micah's favorite activity...the EXERSAUCER!
I love that first picture. He has such beautiful eyes! I continue to be amazed at how fast these little ones grow.