It's amazing how much Micah has changed in just a few short months! Micah is almost 7 months old and weighs 16 pounds! He's rolling over, holding his own bottle, and trying to master the milestone of sitting up unassisted. Micah is starting a new vegetable on a weekly basis now. This week's menu: PEAS! Yummy!
Micah is a very happy baby---full of smiles and laughter! His favorite thing to do is play in his Exersaucer that Grandpa put together for him. You should see him whirl around in circles and squeal with excitement. The Exersaucer occupies him long enough for me to get myself ready for work or get some household chores done.
We're still settling into our new home---I can't find anything! Right now, I'm on the hunt for the USB cord for our camera. Hopefully, I'll locate my USB cord soon and upload pictures of Micah in a tuxedo at my sister's wedding! ...Meanwhile, please enjoy the latest pictures taken from my cell phone.

Yum! I could just eat him up!!! He's wonderful, Layla!
ReplyDeleteBrenda Calhoun
How cute is he!!! I can't believe it has been 7 months...wow, how time goes by so fast. He looks like such a happy baby. Hope to see you sometime soon.