Micah started daycare two weeks ago, and this is how he looked upon returning home after his first day. Awww, doesn't it look like he's saying, "Where'd you go, Mommy?" When I picked him up that afternoon, I asked his teacher how his first day was and she said, "He was a little fussy..." (I'm sure there wasn't anything "little" about his fussiness!) Luckily, by the end of the week he was smiling and he has received a "Happy" on his report card everyday. And, concerning Micah taking the bottle at daycare, he is progressively eating more everyday! During the first few days at daycare, he only ate 4 to 5 ounces within the 8 hour period. Thankfully, as of yesterday he is eating 9 to 11 ounces!
Unfortunately, Micah got the "daycare germs". By Day 1, he was sneezing and had a snotty nose...and by Day 5, he was coughing. A friend told me to get used to it and put the pediatrician on speed dial. To make matters worse, Dewayne started coughing on Monday and I starting sneezing due to allergies, so our entire family just sounds pitiful!
One thing that I have been adjusting to is the amount of time (or, lack of time) that I have to play with him now that I have returned to work. The only face time that I get with Micah is while getting him ready for daycare and getting him ready for bed. By the time we get home in the evening, we only have a window of about 2 hours to spend with him until he goes to bed. Because of this, I try not to take my weekends for granted!
Last weekend we visited my parents in Mobile and Micah was a BIG hit at church! Afterwards, we took family pictures and Micah got a picture with a VERY old bunny that has been around since I was a kid!
I have a business meeting this week and Micah is going with me which means...Micah's FIRST trip on an airplane! Now THIS should be interesting...
Also, if you haven't seen Micah's professional pictures for his announcements, be sure to scroll down to the next posting...
How was Orlando?? Did it work out o.k.?? I can't wait to meet Micha in person...he is getting so big! Let's get together soon.