Micah is now 11 weeks old! It seems as if he does something new each day! As you can see in the picture above, his head and neck control continues to improve whenever he spends time on his tummy. He now holds regular "conversations" with us and shares smiles on a regular basis as well. We read to Micah every day and he genuinely seems to enjoy it and will give us his own commentary throughout the story! He has also turned on the drool factor and his fist is beginning to become a permanent fixture in his mouth. And, he has a newfound love for ceiling fans! His eyes will remain fixed on a moving ceiling fan, so you can only imagine how BIG his eyes were when we went shopping at Dan's Fan City last week!
Since the weather has been warming up lately, Dewayne and I had the opportunity to take Micah to the park a few times. This was our first time to pull out the stroller. Dewayne is so excited that the Chicco stroller comes complete with shocks which is why I rarely get to push it. (The picture of me pushing the stroller below was just a photo op because Dewayne took it away as soon he took the picture.) He's the same way when it comes to wearing the Baby Bjorn, too...I guess he's just a proud Daddy! Micah and I did make a trip to the mall for the first time (without Daddy) so I finally got to wear the Baby Bjorn...however, I failed to realize that it's not possible to try on clothes with a baby strapped to you!
My 30th birthday was last Friday and this was our first time to leave Micah with a babysitter---Dewayne's mom! Because we knew we were leaving Micah with Grandma on Friday, we decided to give Micah a trial run with the bottle a few times before the day arrived. I had intended for this to be a very sweet moment for Father and Son, but Micah protested with kicking and screaming...and the tears...there were LOTS of tears! After I left the room and made myself scarce, he eventually wore himself out and dozed off for awhile. He finally took the bottle after about an hour, but not for long. We have a lot of work to do before I go back to work!
Micah's first introduction to the bottle (you probably can't tell, but he was LIVID during this picture.)
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