Monday, March 30, 2009

3 Months Old

Our little Micah is 3 Months Old! It's been so exciting to see him reach all of his milestones such as kicking and straightening his legs, tracking moving objects, smiling, imitating sounds, raising head and chest when he's on his tummy, and recognizing familiar objects and people just to name a few. He smiles every morning once he wakes up  and he loves to "talk" after a full stomach. Right now, he likes to talk to the lion on the bouncy seat (pictured above) and the star on the Baby Einstein play mat (pictured below.) Whenever I place him in the seat or on the mat, he immediately begins to smile and babble to the lion and the star...although, he's not too sure about the purple hippo on the bouncy seat (see picture below.)   

As I mentioned in the previous blog, Micah likes to talk throughout storytime. Now he's beginning to talk MORE than I do and tries to talk OVER me! He was especially talkative today and would give a big sigh or "WHEW!" when he got tired and needed to take a break!

Within the past couple of weeks, Micah has grown to really dislike tummy time. He'll be okay for the first few moments and then he will begin to wimper. He will continue to lift his head and turn it side to side, but he will fuss in doing so.  However, as soon as I flip him over onto his back, all is well in his world again!

Micah will begin daycare on Monday and I am NOT looking forward to this at all. We've found a great Christian daycare and I know that he will be properly cared for, but of course I know that he won't receive the same one-on-one attention that I've been giving him for the past 12 weeks. I wonder how he'll react with 9 other babies in the room...

Micah in his chair at 12 weeks

Micah's "Good Morning" Smile

Lifting his head (before the wimpering began.)

"Scary purple hippo!"

"Hmmm...I guess the lion is okay..."

Talking to the star...

Apparently, the star said something funny!

Monday, March 16, 2009

11 Weeks Old!

Micah is now 11 weeks old!  It seems as if he does something new each day! As you can see in the picture above, his head and neck control continues to improve whenever he spends time on his tummy. He now holds regular "conversations" with us and shares smiles on a regular basis as well. We read to Micah every day and he genuinely seems to enjoy it and will give us his own commentary throughout the story! He has also turned on the drool factor and his fist is beginning to become a permanent fixture in his mouth. And, he has a newfound love for ceiling fans! His eyes will remain fixed on a moving ceiling fan, so you can only imagine how BIG his eyes were when we went shopping at Dan's Fan City last week!

Since the weather has been warming up lately, Dewayne and I had the opportunity to take Micah to the park a few times.  This was our first time to pull out the stroller. Dewayne is so excited that the Chicco stroller comes complete with shocks which is why I rarely get to push it. (The picture of me pushing the stroller below was just a photo op because Dewayne took it away as soon he took the picture.) He's the same way when it comes to wearing the Baby Bjorn, too...I guess he's just a proud Daddy! Micah and I did make a trip to the mall for the first time (without Daddy) so I finally got to wear the Baby Bjorn...however, I failed to realize that it's not possible to try on clothes with a baby strapped to you!

My 30th birthday was last Friday and this was our first time to leave Micah with a babysitter---Dewayne's mom!  Because we knew we were leaving Micah with Grandma on Friday, we decided to give Micah a trial run with the bottle a few times before the day arrived. I had intended for this to be a very sweet moment for Father and Son, but Micah protested with kicking and screaming...and the tears...there were LOTS of tears! After I left the room and made myself scarce, he eventually wore himself out and dozed off for awhile. He finally took the bottle after about an hour, but not for long. We have a lot of work to do before I go back to work!

Micah's first introduction to the bottle (you probably can't tell, but he was LIVID during this picture.)

Just playing around...

Our first trip to the park (and, one of the only times I got to touch the stroller...)

Fun during tummy time! (Note that the fist is in close proximity to his mouth...)

...and, now the fist is in his mouth!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Babble, Smiles & Snow!

The past few weeks in the Hamilton household have been very exciting as Micah is babbling and smiling more and more everyday!  He will usually initiate the conversation just after he's been fed and is well-rested.  He'll give us direct eye-to-eye contact while he's "talking" and will then shift his focus to our lips as we respond to him. After each "coo" and "gurgle", he smiles with such excitement! He will even pause his babbling and wait for your response before he continues with his conversation!

Micah had his 2 month appointment last Friday and weighed in at 10lb 8oz! He's also grown a whopping 2 inches since birth--he is 23.5 inches in length now! Good news: no diaper mishaps at the doctor's office! Yay! 

And, just 2 days after the appointment, Micah got to see snow for the first time...(sort of.) We hopped outside for a few minutes to take some pictures, however, I don't think he opened his eyes the entire time! I, however, was thrilled because Micah finally got to wear an outfit that I bought him while he was still in utero...even if it was for only 5 minutes... : )

8 Weeks Old!

Bath time with Daddy!



Hamming it up for the camera

Micah in his chair at 8 weeks old

...more babbling...