Our little Micah is 3 Months Old! It's been so exciting to see him reach all of his milestones such as kicking and straightening his legs, tracking moving objects, smiling, imitating sounds, raising head and chest when he's on his tummy, and recognizing familiar objects and people just to name a few. He smiles every morning once he wakes up and he loves to "talk" after a full stomach. Right now, he likes to talk to the lion on the bouncy seat (pictured above) and the star on the Baby Einstein play mat (pictured below.) Whenever I place him in the seat or on the mat, he immediately begins to smile and babble to the lion and the star...although, he's not too sure about the purple hippo on the bouncy seat (see picture below.)
As I mentioned in the previous blog, Micah likes to talk throughout storytime. Now he's beginning to talk MORE than I do and tries to talk OVER me! He was especially talkative today and would give a big sigh or "WHEW!" when he got tired and needed to take a break!
Within the past couple of weeks, Micah has grown to really dislike tummy time. He'll be okay for the first few moments and then he will begin to wimper. He will continue to lift his head and turn it side to side, but he will fuss in doing so. However, as soon as I flip him over onto his back, all is well in his world again!
Micah will begin daycare on Monday and I am NOT looking forward to this at all. We've found a great Christian daycare and I know that he will be properly cared for, but of course I know that he won't receive the same one-on-one attention that I've been giving him for the past 12 weeks. I wonder how he'll react with 9 other babies in the room...
"Hmmm...I guess the lion is okay..."