Please help us welcome Micah Caden Hamilton to the world!
Micah was born on Wednesday, December 31, 2008 at 2:26pm!
He weighed 6lb 12oz, and was 21.5 inches long! (Apparently, he's going to be a big boy!)
Micah actually arrived 3 weeks early. I was advised to go the hospital on Dec. 30th just to check my blood pressure. My blood pressure was slightly elevated as well as my LDH levels, so the on-call physician made us stay overnight for more testing. The next morning at 5:30am, we were awakened by the on-call physician who decided to skip the morning tests and induce labor immediately. Within 15 minutes, I was receiving the pitocin and calling my family to tell them that Micah was on the way! I progressed rather quickly after the epidural, and before we knew it, Micah was here!
I welcomed the New Year in my hospital bed holding Micah as we watched the ball drop in New York on television. The next couple of days was a blur, but I do remember having several visitors to come meet Micah! I think I slept a total of maybe 8 hours during our stay at the hospital from Tuesday though Friday, so we were already sleep-deprived before we even made it home from the hospital!
Between feedings, diaper changes, and washing several loads of clothes, life right now is all about Micah! We've also had several sleepless nights (which I assume is to be expected) so we've been trying to keep him awake for an hour or so during the day hoping that it will mean an extra hour of sleep for us during the night...(yeah, right!)
The happy parents are both doing well. I am recovering from the delivery...granted, not as fast as I would like to recover! Dewayne has done a great job to help keep things in order around the house--ie. diaper changes, laundry, dishes, cooking and helping tend to me. My mom is visiting from Mobile to help out during the first week home which has been a blessing! And, Dewayne's mom (who lives in Birmingham) visits often to help out, as well.
Micah had his first pediatrician's appointment on Sunday morning, and the doctor gave him a clean bill of health! He had already gained all but 2oz of his original birth weight, and he had a low bilirubin level. Meanwhile, Micah kept Dewayne busy with a couple of diaper changes during the appointment...
I'm new to the blogging world, so it is yet to be seen how often I'll update the site, but I'll try my best to let the world know how our new family is doing.
Thanks for all of your prayers and warm wishes!
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