1 Month Old!

It's hard to believe that Micah is already one month old! Our lives have completely changed as Micah is now in charge of this household! But, we are enjoying every minute of it! And, although it's only been one month, we can't imagine our lives without Micah.
These days, Micah is much more active and alert, and he is sleeping for sometimes four and five hours during the night! Yay! Micah likes to stare at people's faces now and he has the cutest facial expressions---if you watch him for a while, he'll smile every now and then. He is constantly stretching out his fingers, arms, and legs as well as trying to use his neck muscles on a regular basis.
On a typical day, Micah goes through several diaper changes, which, in turn, require wardrobe changes and sometimes even a bath. Which brings me to yesterday...somehow, it went ALL UP his back, leaving the diaper virtually clean and dry! How is that even possible? It was soooo messy that I had to call in Dewayne for backup. I did take a picture of the diaper catastrophe, but don't worry, I won't share that picture with you. Somehow, I don't think that little outfit will ever be the same...
Speaking of diapers, Dewayne loves the Huggies newborn diapers that have the wetness indicator on the front of the diaper. Needless-to-say, when he couldn't find them at our local Wal-Mart, he began a massive hunt around town to Babies R Us, several other Wal-Marts and even Walgreens stores. To his dismay, it appears that every store has sold out of these particular diapers. So, Dewayne's search for the wetness indicator diapers continues... Personally, I am searching for any books that are geared towards new parents. If you have any suggestions, please let me know!
To get a change of scenery, we've ventured out on a few driving excursions around the city. Micah usually sleeps throughout the drive---except when he's hungry. By then, no amount of driving will calm him down!
Although we haven't had an official weigh in recently, Micah should weigh at least eight pounds by now (if not more because this boy can eat!) And, I have no clue how long he is, other than the fact that he is longer than most newborn outfits, which only go to 21.5 inches---Micah entered the world at 21.5 inches! Wow!
I must make mention of Buffy and that she tries to lend a helping "paw" whenever Micah is crying. In the middle of the night during diaper changes (which is not one of Micah's favorite activities,) you can hear Buffy meowing outside of the bedroom door as if to say, "Can I help?" And whenever Micah is in his swing, Buffy will sit beside the swing as if she is his bodyguard. I think Buffy's maternal instinct (which we thought was non-existent) has finally kicked in!
Lastly, I am so excited because Dewayne and I finally purchased a new camera! So, on the next blog, the pictures should have much better quality than the pictures below that were taken with the camera on my cell phone!
Micah's BIG little feet!