Monday, November 14, 2011

We Have A Name!!!

It only took seven months, but Dewayne & I have finally agreed upon a name for Baby Hamilton #2:

"Emery Kai Hamilton"

(Kai is pronounced like "ky".) I've been trying to teach Micah how to pronounce "Emery" for the past week. Most of the time it sounds like "Em-ry", although I have heard him say it correctly once or twice! At least we have another 3 months to work on it!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Bump.

The Bump.

I prefer to post pictures of mostly Micah, but I suppose his little brother would like a piece of the action, too. So, here's the bump at 28 weeks! Hopefully, we will come to a final decision on the little one's name soon... I'd hate to point fingers (Dewayne) but someone (Dewayne) has been a bit difficult in the naming process (Dewayne.)