Micah is 11 months old!!! I know people say it all of the time, but time really does fly! Within the past month, Micah is crawling (on one knee), pulling up, learning how to drink from a cup, and he FINALLY cut his first tooth! (He likes to teethe on a cold baby carrot.) He is highly fascinated with the remote controller, the camera, our cell phones, and my laptop. And, I heard him say "Ma-ma" once about a week ago, but I haven't heard it since then...so, the wait continues!
Micah's got rhythm, too! (I think it's safe to say that he got this from his Mommy!) His Learn & Discover driving toy has a "radio" that plays 3 songs. There is one song, in particular, that has become his favorite. He presses the button for his favorite song to play and he bounces up and down to the beat. When the song stops playing, he presses the button again and realizes it's not the same song. He quickly presses the button again and finds that it, too, is playing the wrong tune. Finally, he presses the button for a third time, and the bouncing resumes to the beat of his favorite song, which happens to be the Alphabet Song.
Micah has hit the stranger anxiety phase...Santa freaked him out!!! I had to sit next to Santa and hold Micah's hand for him to stop crying long enough to take the picture. He also likes to test his limits to see "how-many-times-mommy-&-daddy-will-pick-up-whatever-I-drop-on-the-floor". If I hand him something, he immediately tosses it to the floor (ON PURPOSE) and looks at me like, "What are you gonna do about it?" 90% of the time, he doesn't get it back and cries in disappointment. It always makes me laugh, but isn't it so amazing to see how smart babies are?
Micah also gets a kick out of mimicking various sounds that we make, and this game can go on it seems like forever! Lastly, he has a new funny expression that we like to call "The Stanky Face", which made him the Thanksgiving dinner entertainment (see picture below!)
Here are some pictures that we took last weekend for his 11th month photos:
Micah & Daddy

Micah & Mommy

The "Stanky" Face!

Yay! Micah finally cut a tooth!