Micah is 9 months old! His 9 month check-up was a little over a week ago, and he is steadily moving along on his growth curve in height (28.5") and weight (17 lb 6.5 0z.)
Micah's mode of transportation is not by means of crawling. No, he likes to scoot on his behind...backwards and mostly in circles!
As far as food is concerned, Micah prefers fruits over vegetables (...I wonder where he got that from...DAD!) When I put the spoon up to Micah's mouth, he purses his lips shut and SNIFFS the food. If he likes what he smells, he opens his mouth to take a bite...if not, he turns up his nose and pushes the spoon away with his hand. And, his choice of beverage is milk rather than juice.
Lastly, but certainly not least, Micah was dedicated at church last weekend. His Grandparents, Nina, and a very special friend were in attendance!